I'm pregnant. What do you mean you already knew?? Ah yes I remember all of my follwers were already my friends before I started blogging... Well that ruins that announcement.
Dear rest of the world. Guess what??? I'm Pregnant.... YES its very exciting!
17 Weeks and counting. And what a long road it has been so far. We have been trying for a baby for over 2 years. I have PCOS and this has made it really hard to conceive and super frustrating at times. Last September we were finally put on to a prescription of Clomid which was supposed to make me ovulate. You have to wait for your next cycle to start before you can use it - and for me that can be anything up to 6 months away!!
I was lucky and only had to wait 6 weeks. I was sure I was pregnant. Super sure. Convinced that the tests I was taking were wrong. Too early it must be. I'm sure. I wasn't - It was the first month I was asking a lot.
But I felt gutted. So back we are to waiting. Waiting to come on again so I can take the next months. And waiting and more waiting. (a few more tests as I was so sure - nope still not) Thoroughly fed up of waiting by mid January. And feeling crappy to boot.
And sore boobs - really sore boobs. But mustnt get excited, must have wasted a fortune on pregnancy tests so far. And obviously havent ovulated - need to come on again. 3 days later - Really sore boobs. Well I've already wasted a fortune what is one more test.
Normally a failed test takes an AGE to develop an answer. This time it was just seconds. I'm in shock. I scream for my husband - apparently its my genuine scream as he thinks I have seen a spider. He casually saunters along wonder what on earth I am wailing like a banshee for. I hold out the test and watch the look of suprise dawn on his face as he reads the word I have been waiting to see for 2 years (and at least another 6 if I am honest)
A bit of quick maths and a lot of wondering how on earth I am 15 weeks along without knowing makes me realise that I'm not. I have no idea how far along I am but someone who is this anxious for a baby doesnt miss 15 weeks worth of signs. A quick scan later and we find that I am just 3 weeks at the test (so 1 week after conception) and 5 weeks at the scan. All you can see is a little white marble 1cm across that the baby should be in (baby currently the size of a sesame seed)
Come back in 10 days and we can scan again - me wondering how on earth 10 days will be enough to see anything. 10 days later baby is 1cm long! That's amazing!
So there you have it. Its official - we've seen the pics and everything . And now it is kicking like a good un - Usually my bladder. Cheeky little one.
So boy or girl we don't know. I would love to find out but my husband would prefer the surprise. I just hope the baby presents butt first at the next scan!
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Baby is the white smudge in the black blob! |
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This one is a bit clearer - Can even see its toes |