18 October 2011


Good afternoon all.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are back in to the swing of things.
Before I launch back in to our living room renovation I thought I would share with you all a couple of inspiring images that I found on Pinterest.

I find looking at all these messy sandy screedy pictures quite tiring. Its vital when doing a big renovation like this to have a door that you can close on all that mess and a book of images that you love or some good blogs to follow to keep your eyes on the prize. Its all to easy to loose sight of what all the mess will become and to get bogged down by it all.

So below are a few lovely inspiring images that kept my mind off the sand and on the sofas!

Aren't they beautiful. For more amazing images I suggest you get your butt over to Pinterest.com and check out some of the awesome ideas that are on there.

Speak to ya all tomorrow x

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