14 November 2011

Dust Anyone?

Howdie (just thought I'd try that - I'm not sure I can pull off a Howdie...)
Hope you are all fine and dandy (I'm committed now). As promised I am back to tell you all about the remaining floor saga. Taking photos for the blog was pretty much my rest whilst we did this. We had to work across the room in a slightly random way as the boards were overlapping lengths of tongue and groove.

My husband hardly picked up the camera but I really did lift about half of the  boards...("yeah yeah" I hear you say!)

As we make progress along the floor the collection of nails we pull up goes like this:

Eventually we get so far we have to start relaying boards for us to work from so we get some insulation in there too at this stage.

And we start sorting our stacks of boards by quality.

(seen above the first few boards stacked next to our Granary winch (which will eventually hoist a candelabra)

We were cautiously optimistic about the boards. It would be hard to tell what they would be like until it was all finished and a lot of man (and woman) hours and expense wasted if we hated them!

Oh and just as proof that I didn't let my poor husband do all of this dusty work...

Until next time take care!

1 comment:

  1. Looking great! I'm impressed by how much you're getting done (especially given what facebook tells me about what else you're doing - fab!)
