25 November 2011

Teaser Taster

I thought I would offer you lovley people a sneak peak at next weeks Big REVEAL.

I can hear how excited you are. I have loved converting our Garage in to our Livingroom and as the work nears an end I cant wait to share it all with you.

But just for a sneaky peak below are a couple of teaser images to wet your appetites. I thought I would also take the oppertunity to introduce you all to our latest family additions.
Enjoy xx

This is Leon age 8 Weeks. A lovely rescue kitten from a local shelter.

He is starting to look really grown up now at 3 months old

But he is still quite dinky really.

Favourite past times include hiding in paper-bags and baskets. Chasing his own tail. Licking his backside (seriously - you think he's all cute and then up comes the leg- even in the most polite company) Cuddles from absolutely anyone. Pooping in the litter tray literally seconds after it has been cleaned out (that one always makes me giggle - mainly because my husband deals with the tray!)

Oh and surveying his territory ....

This is Pippa, she is 3 weeks older than Leon and very different. Super shy we are working really hard at drawing her out.

Hobbies include playing with Leon and snoozing on blankets. She is not fussed by most cat toys but LOVES hairbands? She was born on a farm so she longs to be let out again (once their injections are done she will be).  She only likes cuddles when she is sleepy. She has scarily good balance on her back legs. And fur so soft she could be a chinchilla.
Quieter but infinitely less bothersome than Leon (who is currently sat right in front of the screen following the mouse cursor!)

They have settled really quickly and love the living room which has been completed since we got them.
Leon snuggled up for a quick nap!

They love each other!

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